четверг, 19 марта 2015 г.

Class 5-A. March, 30th.

  • write the recipe of ANY dish using this plan:
To  make (the name of the dish) you need a/an/some....
You can serve (the name of the dish) with ...

  • make sure you use the cooking vocabulary (chop, pour, mix, fry, grill etc.)

пятница, 13 марта 2015 г.

Class 5-A. March, 16th.

  • copy 41 (in writing GAME);
  • copy 42 - learn the words (add, boil, grate etc.);
  • copy 42 ex. 2 (orally).
copy 41

copy 42

Нажимаем "скачать", выскочит окошко с предложением зарегистрироваться, ищем внизу окошка слова "нет, спасибо. пропустить и продолжить скачивание"

среда, 11 марта 2015 г.

вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.

четверг, 5 марта 2015 г.

How to be healthy?

Rethink your drink

Class 5-A. March 6th.

 Увага! У вівторок я НЕ СЛУХАТИМУ проекти тих учнів, чиї чернетки я НЕ перевірю завтра.

Be ready with the project:

                                           HOW TO BE HEALTHY

A proverb says: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
So to be healthy:
1. You should eat healthy food.
(4-5 sentences)
2. You should do sports.
(3 sentences)
3. You should have lots of sleep.
(3 sentences).
4. You should keep on positive.
(3 sentences).
It's easy to be healthy, you shouldn't be lazy!

среда, 4 марта 2015 г.

Class 5-A. March, 5th

  • Class Book p 90 (read);
  • Work Book p. 83.

Be ready with the project:

                                           HOW TO BE HEALTHY

A proverb says: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
So to be healthy:
1. You should eat healthy food.
(4-5 sentences)
2. You should do sports.
(3 sentences)
3. You should have lots of sleep.
(3 sentences).
4. You should keep on positive.
(3 sentences).
It's easy to be healthy, you shouldn't be lazy!