четверг, 19 февраля 2015 г.

Class 5-A. February, 20th.

  • answer these questions in your copybook.
  • be ready to answer them on Monday.
1. What is the official name of the UK?
2. Where is the UK situated?
3. What is the UK washed by?
4. What countries does the UK consist of?
5. People from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are English, aren’t they?
6. What are the patron saints of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?
7. What is the name of the British flag?
(When was it founded? Why isn’t there a flag of Wales?)
8. What are the national emblems of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?
9. What are the capitals of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?
10. What parts does Scotland consist of?
11. Why is Scotland a cold country?
12. What is the national instrument of Scotland?
13. What is the national game of Wales?
14. Do the Welsh speak only English?
15. What do people usually do on St. Patrick’s day?
16. Are the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland the same country?
17. What is the old name of London?
18. Who built London?
19. Where does Queen II live in London?
(And in Edinburgh?)
20. What was Tower of London before it became the museum?

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