четверг, 9 апреля 2015 г.

Class 5-A. April, 10th.

  • Work Book p. 94;
  •  revise the vocabulary (family).

1. family – a group of people, who are related to each other.           
2. relative – a member of your nuclear or extended family.
3. cousin – the child of your aunt or uncle.  
4. niece – the daughter of your brother or sister.
5. nephew – the son of your brother or sister.
6. stepmother – the wife of your father, but not your real mother.
7. stepfather – the husband of your mother,but not your real father.
8. mother-in-law – the mother of your husband or wife.
9. father-in-law – the father of your husband or wife     
10. couple – a husband and a wife.      
11. wife – a woman that a man has married           
12. husband – a man that a woman has married    
13. daughter – a girl or woman who is someone’s child
14. son – a boy or a man who is someone’s child
13. child (many children) – someone’s son or daughter
14. parent (parents) – a mother or a father
15. godmother (father) – a female (male) godparent

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